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当前位置: 首页 >商标分类>第35类 广告销售

第35类 广告销售


【注释】第三十五类主要包括由个人或组织提供的服务,其主要目的在于: (1)对商业企业的经营或管理进行帮助; (2)对工商企业的业务活动或者商业职能的管理进行帮助; 以及由广告部门为各种商品或服务提供的服务,旨在通过各种传播方式向公众进行广告宣传。 本类尤其包括: ——为他人将各种商品(运输除外)归类,以便顾客看到和购买;这种服务可由零售、批发商店通过邮购目录或电子媒介提供,例如通过网站或电视购物节目; ——有关注册、抄录、写作、编篡、或者书面通讯及记录系统化,以及编篡数学或者统计资料的服务; ——广告单位的服务,以及直接或邮寄散发说明书或者样品的服务;本类可涉及有关其他服务的广告,如银行借贷或无线电广告服务。 本类尤其不包括: ——与工商企业的经营或者管理无直接关系的估价和编写工程师报告的服务(查阅按字母顺序排列的服务分类表)。

编号 所属类别 商品编号 商品/服务名称 英文名称 备注
1 第35类 广告销售 035-2415 促进{表明促销服务的主题,例如体育比赛,一系列电影,慈善捐赠等等} Promoting {indicate the subject of the promotional services, e.g., sports competitions, a series of films, charitable donations, etc.} for others These promotional activities must be rendered for others. More >
2 第35类 广告销售 035-2059 通过所有公共和私人的交流手段,促进,营销和宣传与其他行业相关的品牌和商品,即推广在美国制造的品牌和商品 Promoting, marketing and advertising the brands and goods of others related to all industries, through all public and private communication means, namely, promoting the brands and goods of others made in the United States
3 第35类 广告销售 035-1371 提高社会福利领域的公众意识 Promoting public awareness in the field of social welfare
4 第35类 广告销售 035-2114 提高公众对环境问题和举措的认识 Promoting public awareness of environmental issues and initiatives On 05-26-2011, this 11-27-2008 entry was deleted because i More >
5 第35类 广告销售 035-1919 提高公众对环境问题的认识 Promoting public awareness of environmental matters
6 第35类 广告销售 035-1940 提高公众对{表示领域或主题的认识} Promoting public awareness of {indicate field or subject matter}
7 第35类 广告销售 035-2926 通过公众宣传手段提高公众对{指示促进的主题,如濒危物种,癌症研究等}的认识 Promoting public awareness of {indicate subject matter of promotion, e.g., endangered species, cancer research, etc.} by means of public advocacy
8 第35类 广告销售 035-2113 提高公众对肾病综合征和局灶节段性肾小球硬化(FSGS)的认识 Promoting public awareness of nephrotic syndrome and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) On 05-26-2011, this 06-05-2008 entry was deleted because t More >
9 第35类 广告销售 035-2115 提高公众对本地购物的意识 Promoting public awareness of shopping locally On 05-26-2011, this 01-22-2009 entry was deleted because t More >
10 第35类 广告销售 035-2167 提高公众对{指示人口群体(例如无家可归者,退伍军人,残疾人等)的关注 Promoting public awareness of the interests of {indicate demographic group, e.g., the homeless, veterans, disabled individuals, etc.} On 5-26-2011, this 10-1-2005 entry was deleted because the More >
11 第35类 广告销售 035-633 提高公众对{表示感兴趣的领域}需求的认识 Promoting public awareness of the need for {indicate area of interest} Due to the restructuring of Class 42, services of promotin More >
12 第35类 广告销售 035-1526 通过全国年度日活动促进公众对人类独特性和多样性的认识 Promoting public awareness of the uniqueness and diversity of humanity through a national annual day event
13 第35类 广告销售 035-2586 促进公众的兴趣和意识{表示具体的主题,如癌症研究,知识产权法等} Promoting public interest and awareness of {indicate specific topic, e.g., cancer research, intellectual property law, etc.}
14 第35类 广告销售 035-1198 提升公众对教育,认可,职业发展的兴趣,以及领导企业和专业服务公司的精英管理人员和管理人员 Promoting public interest in education, recognition, career advancement, and leadership for elite managers and executives in corporations and professional service firms
15 第35类 广告销售 035-1442 在{指示地区或特定地理位置,如波士顿,纽约大都会,南加利福尼亚}促进娱乐和旅游} Promoting recreation and tourism in {indicate area or specific geographic location, e.g., Boston, New York metropolitan, Southern California}
16 第35类 广告销售 035-105 推广他人举办的体育竞赛和活动 Promoting sports competitions and events of others On 5-26-2011, this 4-2-1991 entry was amended from “Promot More >
17 第35类 广告销售 035-2310 通过教育机构和科学机构的支持,促进科学发现领域的科学技术调查研究和实验 Promoting technical and scientific investigation, research and experimentation in the field of scientific discovery through support of educational institutions and scientific organizations On 5-26-2011, this 9-18-2008 entry was amended to make it More >
18 第35类 广告销售 035-1422 向照明领域的专业人士推广节能照明技术的好处 Promoting the benefits of energy efficient lighting technologies to professionals in the lighting field
19 第35类 广告销售 035-1715 推动慈善捐赠,即追踪和宣传慈善捐赠和善意随机行为 Promoting the charitable giving of others, namely, tracking and publicizing charitable donations and random acts of kindness
20 第35类 广告销售 035-2110 推广他人的慈善服务,即向个人提供有关各慈善机构的资讯,以便向慈善机构捐款 Promoting the charitable services of others, namely, providing individuals with information about various charities for the purpose of making donations to charities On 5-26-2011, this 7-30-2009 entry was amended from “Promo More >

















